GerminaR functions (Lozano-Isla et al., 2019) adapted and modified to work with decimal scoring times and allow for users to choose the letters to prepend to scoring times.
GerminaR functions (Lozano-Isla et al., 2019) adapted and modified to work with decimal scoring times and allow for users to choose the letters to prepend to scoring times.
GerminaR functions (Lozano-Isla et al., 2019) adapted and modified to work with decimal scoring times and allow for users to choose the letters to prepend to scoring times.
GerminaR functions (Lozano-Isla et al., 2019) adapted and modified to work with decimal scoring times and allow for users to choose the letters to prepend to scoring times.
Germination uncertainty, from Labouriau, G. (1983) adapted and modified to work with decimal scoring times and allow for users to choose the letters to prepend to scoring times.